Shaking minarets of Isfahan

Young journalists club

News ID: 1530
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:39 - 07 July 2013
Tehran, YJC. The Isfahan shaking minaret is one of a contemporary series found in different places from Iran to Arabia.

The shaking minarets in Isfahan, called Menar Jonban in Persian, are part of the structure of a mosque in the suburb of Isfahan.

The structure was built during the Timurid dynasty and some parts were added to it later in the Safavid era.

As the name suggests, the reason behind the name of the shaking minarets is that as you shake one of the minarets, the other minaret and the whole building start shaking.

Scientists believe that the shaking has to do with the Doppler effect.

It is said that the similar structures found in Iran, Iraq, and Arabia all belong to a period of 30 years in the Timurid dynasty.

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