Prominent clergy: Father warned against Ahmadinejad confronting Leader

Young journalists club

News ID: 1513
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:48 - 01 July 2013
Tehran, YJC. Ayatollah Lankarani’s son says his father used to expect a time when Ahmadinejad would oppose the Supreme Leader.

Mohammadjavad Fazel Lankarani, the son of the late Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani, said in a meeting with members of Hassan Rouhani's campaign staff in Qom "My father once said to Messrs. Yazdi and Jannati ‘This guy who argues five Marjas will be sure to stand up to the leader. If the Ahmadinejad administration continues it will lay waste Imam Khomeini’s struggles,’” Mehr News Agency reports.

He added "My late father from the beginning of the Ahmadinejad administration told the Ayatollahs ‘These folks talk of relations with the twelfth Imam, they want to say they are in contact with him themselves. They do not want you people to go after the Imam.’”

Lankarani then expressed happiness for the election of Rouhani and said "I am informed that many of the grand figures of the Howza [seminary of Islamic schools] had an eye for him. Some of the gentlemen even regarded him as the paragon of presidency.’”

He asserted "An important aftermath of this welcome political breakthrough was to defuse the plan to weaken the clergy. These guys tried 8 years to divert people from the clergy, but God willed it so that people would choose an accomplished clergyman.”

"We must pray for Mr. Rouhani and his colleagues. A country in debt with $150,000 billion will be difficult to set right,” Lankarani said.

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