Security heightens in Tokyo during Ivanka Trump's visit

Young journalists club

News ID: 15107
Publish Date: 11:35 - 03 November 2017
TEHRAN, November 3 - Security in Tokyo was heightened on Friday, November 3 along streets surrounding the hotel where Ivanka Trump, first daughter and advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump, was staying during her Japan trip.

Security heightens in Tokyo during Ivanka Trump's visitTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Barricades were placed outside junctions opposite the hotel where police monitored traffic, while other officers patrolled the area on foot.

Trump arrived in Japan on Thursday evening (November 2) three days before her father, who will be kicking off his Asia trip in Japan on Nov. 5.

Source:Press TV

tokyo ، visit ، trump
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