Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan’s presidents to discuss regional issues, nuclear deal, says Zarif

Young journalists club

News ID: 14999
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:58 - 31 October 2017
TEHRAN, October 31 - Presidents of Iran, Russia and Azerbaijan are going to confer on regional matters, Iraq and Syria as well as Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with P5+1, said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif.

Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan’s presidents to discuss regional issues, nuclear deal, says ZarifTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - “Negotiation between presidents of Iran, Russia and Azerbaijan is a good opportunity for talks on regional issues and multilateral matters,” he said.

He said that mutual cooperation especially in energy and transit fields would be other subjects to be discussed.

Zarif noted that Caspian Sea cooperation between Iran and Azerbaijan would be considered as well.

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