Tehran, YJC. Headlines of most important news in Iran today.

Tehran Emrooz
Emad Afrouq: Principalism
was not defeated, sham Principalists were
Ayatollah Hashemi: Hypocrisy,
extremism only temporary, mortal
Supreme Audit Court reports
$9 billion oil corruption
Hashemi likely to resume
Friday Prayer
Abbas Abdi to Principalists:
Take Rouhani for yourselves, just let economy grow
Iranian weightlifting gains
Asian championship with 9 gold, 7
silver, 5 bronze medals
Jomhouri Eslami
Qatari Emir officially
hands power to son
Bani Film
Ahmadinejad letter to
Shamaqdari brings criticism by cinema folk
Current gold, currency
market lacks econo-political justification