Iran hails election outcome in Austria, Kyrgyzstan

Young journalists club

News ID: 14300
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:58 - 17 October 2017
TEHRAN, October 17 - Tehran welcomes the results of the recent elections in Austria and Kyrgyzstan, Iran’s Foreign Ministry announced, voicing the country’s readiness to expand relations with Vienna and Bishkek.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - In a statement on Monday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Bahram Qassemi said Tehran welcomes the results of presidential election in Kyrgyzstan and is prepared to promote ties with the Central Asian country.

He also hailed the results of the parliamentary polls in Austria and the victory of People’s Party led by incumbent Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz.

“Austria, and Mr. Kurz in particular, as the main host of Iran’s nuclear negotiations with the (Group) 5+1, played an important role in the finalization of such historic deal,” the Foreign Ministry quoted him as saying.

Qassemi then expressed the hope for the expansion of Tehran-Vienna ties in all arenas in a new era under Kurz’ leadership.

Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s 31-year-old foreign minister, is set to become the nation’s next chancellor and the youngest leader in the European Union after his right-leaning People’s Party won the Sunday’s parliamentary election.

Elsewhere in Kyrgyzstan, former Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov has won presidential election. Backed by outgoing President Almazbek Atambayev’s Social Democratic party, Jeenbekov received 54.3 percent of the about 1.7 million votes cast on Monday, making a run-off unnecessary.

Source: Tasnim


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