Tehran, YJC. CEO of National Bank says that the monetary system of the country needs to be independent if the economy is going to improve.

CEO of Iran’s National Bank believes that there is no
internal problem to his respective organization, and what afflicts the country’s
economy is that the Central Bank is not the country’s monetary policy making
Farshad Heidari said "Right now there is neither any problem
with the procedures for electing the Director General of the Central Bank, nor with
the bank’s general rules. The problem lies rather in the fact that the bank and
the Money and Credit Council have lost the power to make and enforce policies
in the country.”
He added "Currently, based on the banking monetary law and
the 80th article of the 5th Development Plan, the
Director General of the Central Bank is chosen by the President and approved by
the General Assembly of the Central Bank. It is wrong to think that changing
this and similar layouts will necessarily end in an independent Central Bank
and improve its performance.”
"What interferes with the independence of the Central Bank
is that monetary policies are adopted outside the Money and Credit Council and
the Central Bank. If policy making and executive affairs are laid on the
Central Bank and the Money and Credit Council, then these organizations will do
their job well,” Heidari asserted.
He stated "It is true that there are three branches in all
political systems and the branches are separate, but their interactions and multilateral
impacts are indispensible. Due to the extensive role of the Central Bank in the
national economy, we must turn it into the fourth branch of the system and
believe that the weightier and more powerful the Central Bank, the better the atmosphere
for work and national economy will be.”