Tehran, YJC. Judiciary Spokesman has said that Ahmadinejad was summoned to court without either he or the Head of the Judiciary knowing.

News Agency reports what Qolamhosein Mohseni Ejei said "I was not aware of the
fact and got to know it from news websites, neither was the Head of the
Judiciary, who was to know the issue only after he was questioned about it.”
every official may be litigated for having violated their legal duties or by a
private plaintiff,” he added.
further said "As for the President, there have been a number of suits against
him by some legal as well as real entities, including the Article 90 Commission
and the Board of Directors of the Majlis and also individuals.”
He provided
comments on how the suit was filed and said "The suit was filed in the Ministry
of Justice and the disagreements circled around the legal aspects of the 140th
Article. The case was studied to find whether it is a common charge and must be
pursued in the Ministry of Justice or it regards trespassing duties and would
be pursued in the Supreme Court. Some items of the complaint were clarified and
the case was resolved and ordered by the Supreme Court to the 76th
Criminal branch, which has issued a summons for a few months from now.”