TEHRAN, October 14 - Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif reacting to Trump’s falsification of the name Persian Gulf said the US president’s geography is "for sale to the highest bidder".

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - In a series of tweets posted on his official account early Saturday following US President Donald Trump’s statement on Washington’s Strategy on Iran, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif censured Trump for calling Iran ‘rogue’, saying “For the definition of rogue, compare Trump’s words with President Rouhani’s response.”
He linked Iran’s released statement in the tweet, in which the country has voiced regret over the US’ use of terrorism as a tool instead of joining Iran’s genuine counter-terrorism efforts, adding that Trump would “have to bear full responsibility for all consequences of his rogue behavior.”
“Everyone knew Trump’s friendship was for sale to the highest bidder. We now know that his geography is too,” Zarif continued in another tweet, referring to Trump’s wrong use for the Persian Gulf.
President Rouhani had also reacted to this in his speech immediately after Trump’s statement, urging the US president to brush up on his world history and geography to improve his understanding of international obligations.
“How is it possible that a president has not yet learned the name of the world-renowned and historical Persian Gulf… where unfortunately US warships unnecessarily and repeatedly sail through? He could have at least asked his military officials about the fact that the name of Persian Gulf is printed on the maps they use,” Rouhani had said.
Zarif went on to add in another tweet, “No wonder supporters of Trump’s inane Iran speech are those bastions of democracy in the Persian Gulf: KSA, UAE and Bahrain.”
“Allegations, threats and profanity will never intimidate Iranians. Trump will eventually discover this; as every predecessor did,” Zarif concluded.
Source: Mehrnews