If US calls IRGC terrorist, it receives harsh response: Ghasemi

Young journalists club

News ID: 13909
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:40 - 09 October 2017
TEHRAN, October 8 - Iranian FM Spokesman says Iran will give a harsh response to US hostile policies.

If US calls IRGC terrorist, it receives harsh response: Ghasemi

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - In a press conference on Monday, Bahram Ghasemi pointed out to Major General Jafari’s speech about US’s calling IRGC a terrorist group and said “ I hope the ruling board in US does not such a strategic and significant mistake in continuation of its other mistakes. But if the country makes such a mistake, then Iran will respond in a rough, decisive, and harsh manner and US should accept its consequences”.

Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari declared on Sunday that if US enacts Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act known as CAATSA against Iran, then it should move back its regional military bases up to a 2000-kilometer-range of Iranian missiles.

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