Yemen’s medical infrastructure are demolished, cholera continues

Young journalists club

News ID: 13858
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:58 - 08 October 2017
TEHRAN, October 8 - With the Saudi’s demolition of Yemen’s medical infrastructures and water supply facilities, cholera crisis still continues.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Yousuf al-Haziri, a Yemeni activists, said the Saudi-US invasion, now in its 31st month, has led to the demolition of Yemen’s health infrastructures.

Mingled with these demolitions is the Yemeni medical staff’s payments cut off for over 11 months that has worsened the crisis, he added.

The payments cut off after the central bank in San’a movement to Adan which is under the control of Saudi forces. During the beginning 17 months of the invasion and when the central bank was in San’a, the staff’s payment were paid regularly even in the region seized by the Saudi regime forces.

Referring to the outbreak of contagious diseases in the country such as cholera as a result of hitting water supply and sewage facilities, the activist noted that non-payment of the medical staff as well as the demolition of the medical infrastructures have made the situation even worse.

He mentioned a corruption in Yemen’s Health Ministry and said that millions of dollars are allocated to projects that have no real existence.

He asserted that the international organizations affiliated to UN are in fact as instruments in US and Saudis’ hands, and that Saudi Arabia is has no popularity in the world for all are after its oil dollars.

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