5 arrested after explosives found in apartment building in 'chic' Paris neighborhood

Young journalists club

News ID: 13606
Publish Date: 13:25 - 03 October 2017
TEHRAN, October 3- Five people have been arrested after what appeared to be a failed bombing attempt in an apartment building in Paris, after a neighbor tipped off police. One of the suspects was under government surveillance for radicalism, according to the interior minister.

5 arrested after explosives found in apartment building in 'chic' Paris neighborhoodTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Five people have been arrested after what appeared to be a failed bombing attempt in an apartment building in Paris, after a neighbor tipped off police. One of the suspects was under government surveillance for radicalism, according to the interior minister.

The neighbor alerted law enforcement to suspicious activity early Saturday in the chic 16th arrondissement, according to police cited by AP.

An explosive device was found and deactivated, according to a judicial official.

Counter-terrorism prosecutors have opened an investigation.

One of the five suspects was under government surveillance for radicalism, Interior Minister Gerrard Collomb said.

When asked how someone under surveillance could carry out an attempted attack without being detected, Collomb said radicals usually have "friends, networks that can carry out the act." Those people don't show outward signs of radicalization, but are "ready to help"

Collomb said the incident proves the threat against France remains "extremely big."

“Blowing up a building in a chic neighborhood of Paris — is this not a sign that no one is safe? This doesn’t happen just in suburbs in working class neighborhoods,” he said.


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