Tehran, YJC. Said Jalili says that he does not deny the fact that some sanctions are shocking, but he believes that on the other hand they could turn to opportunities if taken wisely.

Jalili said on Saturday in an interview on the fourth channel of the national
TV "If we consider the nearly 200 countries that exist in the world, we can
find a great number of common grounds with them. One of our major problems in
foreign policy has been that we have limited ourselves to a number of Western countries
which have a lot of disagreements and no common grounds with us, neither in
aims nor in principles. In this way we have neglected other countries. If we
adopt the outlook that we can build opportunities from our common grounds with
other countries, I dare say that there would be great capacities which we must
such as Venezuela, Ecuador, and Cuba have a lot in common with us. In Central Asia
and neighbor countries also there are a lot of opportunities. If we expand our
exports to Iraq and Afghanistan also there are a great number of opportunities.”
asserted "In the nuclear case, we do not work on the basis of obstinacy, but it
is something that we need. The 20 percent fuel is what the country needs. 850 thousand
patients need the drugs. Our insistance is for gratifying our needs.”