Tehran, YJC. Eshraqi says that candidates must consider the fact that economic issues are closely bound to international relations.

Naimeh Eshragqi, granddaughter to Imam Khomeini, said in an interview with Fars News Agency "The
plans put forward in the talks were good ones, but I believe that economic
plans relate to international relations as well, so the to-be President must
adopt a policy of détente.”
Asked what choice she would
make between Aref and Rohani, she siad "We are waiting to see whom Mr. Khatami
endorses. My choice, though, will probably be Mr. Aref.”
"Mr. Aref is the Reformists’
candidate. But that does not mean that Mr. Rohani is not a good choice,”
Eshraqi added.
comments on a coalition between Aref and Rohani, she stated "I care for a
coalition. Principalists also had better had made coalition, because an
election with 8 candidates will cause the to-be President to lack majority
comments come one day after the Reform Minister of Intelligence had said that Hashemi
and Khatami endorse Rohani.