Tehran, YJC. Davoud Ahmadinejad says that care must be taken that Jalili is not elected President because he will do the same as Ahmadinejad.
Speaking in an interview, Davoud Ahmadinejad , the
President’s brother, said "I believe that Mr. Jalili is following in Ahmadinejad’s
footsteps. All must be careful and do their best for Mr. Velayati to win.”
Davoud had previously implied his favorable regards
for Velayati in a meeting by supporters of Velayati in Ansar Mosque.
He was initially a supporter of his brother’s administration but soon
became a critic.
Meanwhile Vahid Jalili, brother to the candidate Said Jalili, had
responded to words circling around about Ahmadinejad’s support for his brother
as "There are always such rumors going around such a person who has not been
for one day a member of any political party when he runs for presidency and
polls show he has some public favor.”
Vahid Jalili added "Dr. Jalili’s idea of Ahmadinejad and the 9th
and 10th administrations has been one based on moderation from the beginning.
He believes that one must not go to extremes assessing the 9th and
10th administrations.”
"Dr. Jalili did not vote for Mr. Ahmadinejad in the first round of 2005
elections and neither did I. I had mentioned something about the deviant
current and Mashaei and the proximity of this current to Ahmadinejad in my
writings,” he continued.
Providing comments on his own candidacy, Davoud Ahmadinejad said that he resigned in
favor of the revolutionary forces, denying his intentions to aid Jalili by
doing so.