Footage of US, South Korea’s live fire drills

Young journalists club

News ID: 11570
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:37 - 30 July 2017
TEHRAN, July 30, YJC -The South Korean Ministry of Defense has released footage of its launching of the US-made Tactical Missile System in response to Pyongyang’s latest missile test.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -The videos were posted on the ministry’s website on Saturday and showed the firing of ATACMS and the domestically-made Hyunmoo Missile II into the East Sea, where North Korea’s latest ballistic missile is thought to have impacted, during live fire drills carried out by Washington and Seoul.

The ministry noted that the projectiles have been launched in response to “provocations of North Korean ballistic missiles.”

The US’ Eighth Army stressed that the drills showed its “precision firing ability.” “The systems can be rapidly employed to provide deep-strike precision capability, enabling the ROK-US Alliance to engage a full array of time-critical targets under all weather conditions,” it said.

The ATACMS is a guided surface-to-surface missile made by Lockheed Martin, with a range of around 160 kilometers. Hyunmoo Missile II is a South Korean system with a range of 800 kilometers.

North Korea is under mounting international pressure over its missile and nuclear development programs, but it says it needs to continue and develop its missile force as a deterrent to defend the nation in the face of the US and its regional allies' hegemony.

On the 4th of July, the US Independence Day, Pyongyang test-fired an ICBM capable of delivering a "large, heavy nuclear warhead" to the US continent.


Source:Press TV

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