Iranian FM meets counterparts in Oslo Forum sidelines

Young journalists club

News ID: 10409
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:29 - 14 June 2017
TEHRAN, June 14, YJC - Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zrif, met with the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as well as Bosnian and Kenyan FMs in the sidelines of “Oslo Forum”.
Iranian FM meets counterparts in Oslo Forum sidelines

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif and the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan visited in the sidelines of "Oslo Forum” and discussed different regional and international issues.

During the meeting, Zarif noted the Saudi pressure on Qatar and the severed diplomatic ties between the two countries, voicing Iran’s readiness to provide Qatar with humanitarian aid following the country’s blockade by Saudi Arabia.

Kofi Annan also, for his part, stressed that all regional countries would be the loser if tension continued to escalate in the Middle East.

Also, in his next series of visits in Oslo Forum sidelines, Zarif met with his Bosnian counterpart Igor Crnadak , talking about bilateral ties, regional issues, as well as other areas of interest.

"It is of immense importance for Iran to see stability and unity in Bosnia. Tehran is willing to have closer cooperation with the country in order for seeing stability and security established there,” Zarif said.

The last of of Zarif’s meetings in Oslo Forum was to visit Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina Muhammad. Reviewing the two countries’ history of bilateral ties, they exchanged their ideas about the issues of interest.

Zarif deemed Iranian-Kenyan political relations constructive, announcing Tehran’s readiness to provide Nairobi with humanitarian aid.

The Kenyan FM, also pointing out to the conflict between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, said for her part, "dialogs need to change between Riyadh and Doha for the current differences to be resolved”.

Zarif left Oslo for Tehran late Tuesday after a two-day visit for attending Oslo Forum which gathered leading armed conflict mediation practitioners.

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