Amir-Abdollahian: No Demand Irrelevant to the Nuclear Deal is Raised in Doha

Young journalists club

News ID: 57244
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:34 - 06 July 2022
Wednesday,6 July 2022 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Minister said in Doha talks Iran have not raised any irrelevant demand.

Amir-Abdollahian: No Demand Irrelevant to the Nuclear Deal is Raised in DohaIn a joint press conference with his Qatari counterpart Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian said in Doha talks Iran have not raised any irrelevant demand.

“During talks on the removal of sanctions in Doha, Iran have not raised any demand irrelevant to the nuclear deal,” he noted and added that “the US reluctance to provide guarantees is the main cause of prolonged talks.”

“Iran raised a key issue and demanded effective guarantees from US” he said while noting that Iran made no excessive demands in Doha.

He went on to said that “Iran is open to logical dialogue and it is serious in this regard. Regarding guarantees, the US has failed to ensure Tehran.”

He finally appreciated Qatar for hosting the talks between Iran and other parties.

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