FM: IAEA Resolution US Plot to Make Concessions in the Vienna

Young journalists club

News ID: 57208
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 23:57 - 16 June 2022
Thursday, 16 June 2022 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Minister said the recent resolution was a US plot to force Tehran to make concessions in the Vienna talks.

FM: IAEA Resolution US Plot to Make Concessions in the ViennaIn a phone conversation with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussain, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian noted the recent resolution approved by the UN nuclear watchdog was a US plot to force Tehran to make concessions in the Vienna talks.

He referred to the Vienna talks on removal of sanctions, and noted “White House suddenly came up with the idea of ​​issuing a resolution at the IAEA. The Americans drafted the resolution at the IAEA Board of Governors to achieve political goals at the negotiating table.”

According to Iranian FM “Diplomacy is the best way to reach a lasting agreement, while bullying, we will give an authoritative response.”

In a meeting of the IAEA’s Board of Governors an anti-Iran resolution, drafted by Britain, France, Germany, and the US has been approved.

In reaction to that, the Iranian foreign ministry named it as political, unconstructive and wrong and noted “Such steps will have no results than weakening Iran’s cooperation with the agency. A hasty and unbalanced report by the IAEA director general made such a resolution, Iran blasted the resolution drafted by the US, Britain, France, and Germany as a wrong, political and unconstructive move.”

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