Moscow: There is a possibility of a full-scale nuclear war

Young journalists club

News ID: 56918
Publish Date: 15:31 - 12 May 2022
Thursday, 12 May 2022 (YJC)_ The deputy head of Russia's Security Council has warned that arming and training Ukrainian forces from the West could risk turning into a full-blown nuclear war.

Moscow: There is a possibility of a full-scale nuclear warRussia's Deputy Security Council Chairman Dmitry Medvedev today (Thursday) warned of Western weapons supplies to Ukraine and training of Russian troops to fight Russia, saying such actions risk turning into a full-blown nuclear war.

He went on to point out that the West and its media are trying to escalate tensions, saying that the West is working hard to promote the hypothesis that Russia is intimidating the world by putting a nuclear conflict on its agenda.

Medvedev stated that the West had launched a proxy war against Russia through Ukraine, and then warned of the consequences.
Ukraine's pumping through NATO with weapons, training its military in the use of Western equipment, sending mercenaries and holding NATO exercises near our border all increase the likelihood of a direct and direct confrontation between NATO and Russia instead of a "proxy war". .

The deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council then stated:
Such a confrontation (between Russia and NATO) always carries the risk of becoming a full-blown nuclear war, and this is a catastrophic scenario for everyone. This. So do not lie to yourself and others. You just have to think about the possible consequences of your actions.

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