European Union: Energy dependence on Russia cannot be cut overnight

Young journalists club

News ID: 56146
Publish Date: 9:52 - 05 March 2022
Saturday, 5 March 2022 (YJC)_ The European Union's foreign policy chief said on Friday that the bloc could not cut its dependence on Russian energy overnight.

European Union: Energy dependence on Russia cannot be cut overnightEU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell said Friday evening that EU foreign ministers had discussed further economic sanctions against Russia and the need to speed up the diversification of the EU's energy resources.

Speaking at a news conference, he added:
The new sanctions package is aimed at deepening economic sanctions and will impose restrictive measures on more Russian banks.

Borrell added:
The European Union (EU) will continue to impose more sanctions on Russia until it suspends military action against Ukraine.

The EU foreign policy chief said:
In order to weaken the Russian war machine, announcing and agreeing to sanctions is not enough, and these sanctions must be implemented and the ways to circumvent the sanctions must be closed.

He emphasized:
The European Union cannot cut its energy dependence on Russia overnight.

The European Union reportedly imports more than 40 percent of its energy from Russia.

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