Iranian President: Next Year’s Budget Bill to Ensure Economic Stability

Young journalists club

News ID: 55000
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 19:00 - 12 December 2021
Sunday, 12 December 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian President said that the budget bill presented to the Parliament for the next Iranian year is aimed at ensuring economic stability.

Iranian President: Next Year’s Budget Bill to Ensure Economic StabilityIn his Sunday remarks at the Iranian Parliament Iranian President, Ebrahim Raeisi presented the 1401 budget bill and said it is for the aim of ensuring economic stability.

He expressed his hope that this budget will be increased with the help of the representatives, and God willing and it will be used to solve the country's problems.

Iranian president went on to say that after Iranian Revolution an added “we have done a lot of work for development in water, electricity, higher education, agriculture, industry and mining sections; however, our serious problems in economic, social and cultural fields still exist.”

Ebrahim Raeisi noted that “Economic problem related to the foreign countries and that is why despite all the efforts we have made and all the capacity we have, we haven’t been able to overcome it.”

“To provide a budget that has no deficit is essential for economic stability and it also will resolve many problems in the country,” he said while noting “Borrowing from the Central Bank and increasing the monetary base are banned in the 1401 budget.”

He finally noted that “This process will continue until inflation reaches single digits, we hope that inflation will become a minimal and declining inflation. Our second goal in this budget is to guarantee economic growth and to reach the goal of 8% growth, and also as the distribution is currently unfair and must be balanced, out third goal is justice in the distribution of capacities and facilities in the country.”

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