Iran's envoy to the United Nations has warned of the theft of Iranian oil at sea

Young journalists club

News ID: 54928
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 9:32 - 08 December 2021
Wednesday, 8 December 2021 (YJC)_ Iran's ambassador to the United Nations has warned of the continuation of such dangerous policies, saying that since last year we have been witnessing the theft of Iranian oil at sea.

Iran's envoy to the United Nations has warned of the theft of Iranian oil at seaZahra Ershadi, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations in New York, addressed the UN General Assembly on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, outlining the Islamic Republic of Iran's position on a number of issues related to the agenda.

She added:
Recalling the importance of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea as a general legal framework for activities in the oceans and seas, and recognizing the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a signatory (and not a party) to this Convention, the Government of Iran A convention cannot be considered as the only existing legal framework governing activities in the oceans and seas.

Ershadi stated:
Therefore, any negotiation of resolutions related to the oceans and seas is expected to include the position and considerations of non-member parties to the Convention. Such a comprehensive perspective could lead to constructive interaction between more countries in support of these resolutions. However, any constructive interaction by my country during the negotiations and accession to the consensus should not be considered as a binding legal document of the acceptance of this convention by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Iranian representative added:
Iran's commitment and activities in the marine environment are fully and exclusively in accordance with international instruments explicitly acknowledged by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, among other things, a strong belief in the protection of the sea and its resources, as well as ensuring the safety and security of maritime activities, has encouraged Iran to cooperate with other countries in a constructive spirit and approach.

The senior Iranian diplomat noted:
The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a coastal country located along the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman, is committed to achieving the goal of 14 sustainable development. In order to achieve this goal, as well as in line with the United Nations program entitled "Decade of Oceanic Sciences for Sustainable Development from 2021 to 2030", the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes that more efforts should be made by governments and other stakeholders. These efforts include international cooperation and coordination, as well as moving towards capacity building and the transfer of marine technology and knowledge to developing countries.

She stated:
The Islamic Republic of Iran appreciates the efforts made in the field of sustainable fisheries management, which play a prominent role in supporting the economic activities of some developing countries, preserving marine resources, healthy marine ecosystems and ensuring food security for all. Due to the decline of marine resources in recent years, planning for responsible fisheries management, the use of selective fishing methods and the fight against illegal and unregulated fishing should be on the agenda of all countries, regional fisheries management organizations and relevant international institutions.

Ershadi added.
In this regard, it is necessary for countries to take urgent action in the form of national programs and international cooperation in order to build capacity and improve the knowledge and awareness of fishermen and exploiters of marine resources.

She said:
As mentioned in last year's statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, in addition to the unilateral coercive measures that preceded the Corona crisis due to the US policy of maximum pressure on my country and the Iranian people, has affected the daily lives of ordinary people. Iran to be severely affected.

Ershadi added:
The provision of basic necessities for the people, such as food, medicine, medical equipment, and the supply chain, has been severely affected by the disruption of the freedom of movement of Iranian shipping lines as a result of sinister US sanctions. In addition to such illegal actions, we have been witnessing the theft of Iranian oil at sea since last year. The Islamic Republic of Iran warns of the continuation of such dangerous policies, which have exacerbated the situation due to unilateral arrogant policies.

She added:
The international community is also called upon to condemn these illegal actions, which pose a threat to free trade at sea and the freedom of the seas, and which have led to the disregard of inhumane sanctions.

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