Border Guards Commander All Iranian Borders are Fully Secured

Young journalists club

News ID: 53626
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:27 - 27 September 2021
Monday, 27 September 2021 (YJC)_ Commander of the Border Guards of Iran stressed that all borders of the country are fully secured.

Border Guards Commander All Iranian Borders are Fully SecuredCommander of the Border Guards of Iran Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi put emphasis on the fact that all borders of the country are fully secured.

“Sustainable security prevails along the entire borders of Iran,” he said and added it is particularly vivid and ensured in the West and Southwestern borders where the Arbaeen pilgrims’ traffic frequent.

“The border guards and disciplinary forces are using their full capabilities in order to establish security all along the Iranian borders, the borders of Ilam and Khuzestan provinces have been the exit points of the pilgrims last week therefore we have prevailed full security there.”

Goudarzi went on to say that “Today thanks to unity and sympathy, the flags of Imam Reza’s Shrine and Imam Hossein’s Shrine are exchanged at Iran-Iraq border.”

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