Iran FM Spox: John Bolton suffers from a chronic hallucinatory psychosis

Young journalists club

News ID: 35347
Publish Date: 20:49 - 12 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 12 - Spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry said that John Bolton suffers from a chronic hallucinatory psychosis when it comes to Iranians.

Iran FM Spox: John Bolton suffers from a chronic hallucinatory psychosis

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Iran Press/Iran news: Spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry Bahram Ghasemi has reacted to the recent anti-Iran remarks by US National Security Advisor John Bolton, saying: “The US diplomat is suffering from a Chronic hallucinatory psychosis when it comes to Iran and Iranians.”

Bahram Ghasemi made the remarks on Tuesday while speaking to reporters in Tehran, Mehr News Agency reported.

"Despite all the illusions and fantasies created by himself as well as efforts by some like-minded terrorist groups that have been trying to instill thoughts into his mind, Bolton has seen that his raw dreams and nightmares have failed following glorious rallies that marked the 40th anniversary of the historic revolution of the great nation of Iran," he added.

On Jan. 18, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote in a tweet in reaction to John Bolton's anti-Iran remarks that “Same bull. Same bully. Same delusion.”

Ghasemi added that Bolton made the spiteful and hostile remarks without any knowledge of the culture of the great people of Iran and the deep roots of the Islamic Revolution.

The spokesman further advised the American diplomat to seize the opportunity to learn good lessons from the huge turnout by the Iranian people for this year’s revolution anniversary celebrations in order for him not to make such spiteful remarks about Iran and the Iranians any longer.

Source: Iran Press

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