Iran condemns Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack

Young journalists club

News ID: 5969
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:43 - 08 January 2015
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s foreign ministry has denounced Wednesday’s terrorist attack in the French capital in which 12 press and security staff were killed.

Marziyeh Afkham, spokeswoman for the Iranian foreign ministry slammed the attack and described any terrorist action carried out on innocent people as running counter to the tenets of Islam.

She nonetheless added that misusing notions such as freedom of expression and insulting the sanctities of divine religions are all the same condemnable and cannot be accepted.

On Wednesday morning, 3 gunmen carrying AK47s attacked the Paris office of the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, where they opened fire indiscriminately and killed 12 people and wounded 11 others.

Judicial sources have said 4 cartoonists, including the chief editor, were killed in the attack.

No group or individual has as yet claimed responsibility for the action. However, the French police said it identified the attackers as beeing affiliated with Yemen-based group which is a branch of al-Qaeda.

Afkham stated "Such actions are the follow-up of an unprecedented wave of extremism and violence" which has taken in the world over in the past decade.

She regretted that "Faulty policies and double-standard approaches to phenomena such as violence and extremism" have aggravated terrorist behavior.

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