FM Official: Iran to Boost Exports to Russia

Young journalists club

News ID: 57238
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 9:46 - 03 July 2022
Saturday,2 July 2022 (YJC)_ Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister announced that the country decided to enhance the exports to Russia.

FM Official: Iran to Boost Exports to RussiaIranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mehdi Safari announced that the country decided to enhance the exports to Russia.

“Iran decided to enhance the export to three-billion-dollar construction materials to Russia,” he said in a meeting with the provincial governor-general of North Khorassan.

He went on to add that “NE Iran can make use of this opportunity for export, good capacities in the province are there to make construction materials.”

He also highlighted good capacities for trade exchanges with Kazakhstan and noted that “a border of 281km is shared between North Khorassan in Northeastern Iran with Turkmenistan.”

“More than $2.5 billion is the evaluation of the trade between Iran and Russia in the past calendar year. Russia was responsible for a major part of trade between Iran and members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in last year,” he said.

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