Polish coal is running out

Young journalists club

News ID: 57105
Publish Date: 10:29 - 29 May 2022
Sunday, 29 May 2022 (YJC)_ Poland is currently facing a shortage of coal due to a ban on imports of coal from Russia, and sellers have imposed restrictions on its sale despite the end of the heating season.

Polish coal is running outPolish companies have restricted coal sales after a ban on imports from Russia, Polish Deputy Finance Minister Poiter Paisic was quoted as saying by RT, according to RT.

He explained that the demand for raw materials in this country has exceeded the domestic production.

"Companies have decided to impose sales restrictions to provide more heating fuel to customers in the next (cold) season."

"The country is in a difficult situation and consumers are having a hard time buying coal," he said.

At the same time, the ban on Russian coal imports has pushed up prices. Despite the end of the heating season, Polish media have reported long queues near coal depots due to strong demand.

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