13 civilians mistakenly killed by Indian security forces

Young journalists club

News ID: 54882
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 10:16 - 05 December 2021
Sunday, 5 December 2021 (YJC)_ Indian police say 13 civilians have been mistakenly killed by security forces in Nagaland state near the Myanmar border.

13 civilians mistakenly killed by Indian security forcesAFP reports that Indian security forces have killed 13 civilians in the northeastern state of Nangaland.

According to the report, the Indian police have confirmed this and announced that these people were mistakenly targeted by the security forces on Saturday night!

Indian Interior Minister Amit Shah said in a message that he was "saddened" to hear that civilians had been killed in the incident.

It is not yet clear why Indian security forces opened fire in the area, which is close to the Myanmar border.

The Indian Interior Minister also said that a full investigation will be carried out and justice will be done for the families of the victims.

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