Iranian RQ170 more advanced than American counterpart

Young journalists club

News ID: 5479
Publish Date: 14:37 - 12 November 2014
Tehran, YJC. Aerospace chief says an Iranian UAV is technologically more advanced than its American counterpart.

The IRGC Aerospace Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh who was speaking to a groups of students in Zanjan pointed to ongoing negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program and said "Iran will not let go of nuclear talks, but there is a framework which the Supreme Leader defined in the Supreme National Security Council.”

The US and some other countries are in need of the talks and are waiting for the outcome, he said.

He asserted "Their problem is not just our nuclear issue, they have problem with resistance and Hezbollah and Palestine.”

"The US was unable to hurt Iran, that’s why it created ISIL to weaken our country. The virus created by the US has afflicted more than 80 countries.”

A also pointed to the recent downing of an Israeli drone by Iran’s air defense and said that the drone had been flown from a neighbor country.

Hajizadeh then provided comments on Iran flying an RQ170 UAV and said "The drone is more advanced than the one made in the US, and it is one hundred percent localized.”

He added "If Iranian sanctions on the US are revoked, Iran may decide to sell some of its RQ170s to it."

Hajizadeh pointed out that four of the drones will be operational by March, adding "Seeing our drones, Americans' paralysis will turn into stroke."
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