Zarif, UN secretary general representative in Iraq meet in NY

Young journalists club

News ID: 5118
Publish Date: 12:24 - 21 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. UN Secretary General Special Representative for Iraq Nikolay Mladenov held talk with the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in New York on Saturday.

In the meeting, Zarif provided comments on the objectives of his recent visit to Iraq and maintained that stability and security in Iraq as well as developments and progress of that country and strengthening all-out relations between Tehran and Baghdad have strategic importance for Iran.

He added in recent developments and while others were trying to hold a show off meeting, Iran was seriously defending Iraqi government and people in confrontation with threats of the terrorist group of ISIS.

The Iranian foreign minister said constant cooperation and consultations among regional countries will settle problems in Iraq and eliminate danger of terrorism in that country and the region is necessary.

He noted that any country which intends to help Iraq should consider the existing realities of the country and observe political process and respect Iraqis' choice.

Mladenov, for his part, pointed to complicated and hard situation in Iraq and stated that any foreign interference in Iraq can make current situation worse.

He said that participation and cooperation of regional countries for a firm confrontation with the terrorism is necessary and said UN is ready to play an effective role in this field.

Underlining the necessity of paying attention to Iraqi people demands to pass current crisis, Mladenov called for constructive and more effective interaction of the world community.

zarif ، mladenov ، new ، york ، isis
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