U.S. claim to fight terrorists is fake

Young journalists club

News ID: 5035
Publish Date: 15:02 - 10 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. Shahroudi says the U.S. is not really fighting the regional terrorist groups.

First Vice President of the Assembly of Experts Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi said on Tuesday meeting a number of clerics from Tehran said "All the Takfiri currents and all the seditions that followed the Islamic revolution and the Islamic awakening are lead by the great satan U.S. and the governments that were appointed by them.”

"The U.S. claim to fight ISIL and other Takfiri groups is a lie and a hypocrisy. The U.S. and its puppets want to distance themselves from them and represent them as the natural outcome of the Islamic awakening,” he said.

The great satan uses such Takfiri groups and other seditious schemes among tribes and sects as a tool against the Islamic awakening and as a way to drive the Islamic world apart. It will never fight these groups, Shahroudi asserted.

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