Gorbachev says West lied to Russia about NATO expansion

Young journalists club

News ID: 4341
Publish Date: 15:32 - 07 June 2014
Soviet Union's first President Mikhail Gorbachev is confident the West in 1980-1990s in fact lied to Russia when its leaders promised that NATO would not move in the eastern direction.
Speaking in an interview with the Vesti on Saturday with Sergei Brilyov TV programme, Gorbachev, the author of perestroika and glasnost in the then Communist-led country, said that only Germany was true to its commitments while "the United States started scotching the agreements, on the basis of which another world could have been built."
The anchorman, Sergei Brilyov asked Gorbachev if he had a feeling that the Western partners had deceived him about their further plans in Eastern Europe.
"There is politics - but there is honest politics and there is fraudulent one," the former Soviet leader replied.

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