Iran introduces 41 projects in oil, gas for foreign investment

Young journalists club

News ID: 4228
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:39 - 22 May 2014
Tehran, YJC. Oil Ministry has defined some tens of projects in field expansion, environment, and services.

National Iranian Oil Company’s Head of Consolidation Planning said the oil ministry has introduced 41 new investment opportunities for overseas investors.

Abdoreza Asadi in interview with Tasnim news agency said "Following investigations made by the National Iranian Oil Company, 41 investment opportunities on oil and gas fields were introduced, of which 23 projects go to the expansion of oil fields, 15 projects to the expansion of gas fields, 2 projects to environmental projects for gathering gas mixed with oil, and 1 project in support services.”

He added that companies from Europe and Asia have expressed readiness to take part in the projects.

"Preliminary talks were held with them so that if they are willing, they would be given the necessary information as they refer to the related section,” he said.

Asadi further stated "One of the ways to attract investors to the oil industry is to change the contracts. To do so the revision committee was formed to reconsider oil contracts, so that attractive offers would be made to foreign and domestic investors. These contracts will be finalized and unveiled in the near future and they will be given to the companies that are willing to invest the Iran’s oil industry.”

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