Talks with US since previous administration

Young journalists club

News ID: 3961
Publish Date: 9:35 - 20 April 2014
Tehran, YJC. Former FM says during the Ahmadinejad administration the Supreme Leader was talked into accepting nuclear talks with the US.

"As for negotiations with the US, first we went to the Supreme Leader for permission. He laid condition that the talks had to be concerned with the nuclear case exclusively. We had started the job then,” stated Aliakbar Salehi, Iran’s incumbent Head of Atomic Energy Organization and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Ahmadinejad administration.

"It was two and a half years ago that the talks started with the US by permission of the Supreme Leader and then things were handed over to the next administration,” he asserted.

Providing comments on Iran’s nuclear activities following the Geneva accord Salehi stated "The agreement said that we had to oxidize half of the 200 kg 20-pct uranium and dilute the other half which is being done.”

Head of IAEO maintained that the IAEA has been more "moderate” in its recent reports on Iran.

He also expressed Iran’s complaint over the IAEA stating in its reports that it cannot have anything to say about Iran’s untold material, stressing that Iran does not possess any untold material, therefore negating IAEA’s concern.

Asserting that Iran’s nuclear case will be closed in a short while, Salehi said "As agreements say where 6 points are concerned, and according to the promises we have made to the IAEA, it is expected that in 3 months allocated to the matter we will be able to answer all of IAEA’s questions.”

He then pointed to the IAEA’s concern with the Parchin site where it claims Iran has conducted a series of blasts simulating nuclear bomb explosions and said that Iran does not have any problem with the IAEA visiting the site in order to make sure there is nothing suspicious.

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