Zarif: Iran, UAE able to conduct more cooperation

Young journalists club

News ID: 3928
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:39 - 15 April 2014
Tehran, YJC. Foreign Minister has stressed strengthening ties in visit to UAE.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran visited the United Arab Emirates on Monday.

Arriving in Abu Dhabi he said "Five committees including political, security, monetary, trade, environment, energy, telecommunication, culture, education, press, and nearly all the offices at the joint committee of Iran and the UAE joint the meeting, reaching good points which will be finalized tomorrow.”

Mohammad Javad Zarif providing comments on the objectives of the joint Iran-UAE economic committee said "Iran has always paid attention to its neighbors as an important aspect of its foreign policy and security. This is highly significant for us, so much so that due to our joint security and development waterway with the countries to the south of the Persian Gulf it holds special significance.”

"Iran and the UAE enjoy very old, historical relations. That is why a supreme joint committee was formed between the two countries six years ago in Tehran. But in the meanwhile the second convention of the committee was not held which is going to be held tomorrow in Abu Dhabi, thanks to great efforts,” Iran’s Foreign Minister maintained.

Mohammad Javad Zarif further added "Regarding developments that have taken place in foreign policy and the fact that there has been expansion of cooperation fields with other countries and as obstacles have been removed; we have the necessary grounds to expand our relations with the UAE, because the capacities of the two countries to engage in cooperation are much beyond the present state.”

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