EP less legitimate than to preach human rights

Young journalists club

News ID: 3856
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:23 - 07 April 2014
Tehran, YJC. Foreign Minister Zarif has spoken against the European Parliament’s recent resolution against Iran.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs who was speaking before the Iranian parliament on Sunday said "The European Parliament is in no ethical position to judge other countries. It has a small place in continental relations and a very marginal significance in international affairs, so it is not in a position to drag a lot of attention. It is not great enough to be talked about this much.”

Mohammad Javad Zarif who was addressing the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis strongly censored the recent EP resolution against Iran and said "It is clear that the European Parliament lacks legitimacy and favor to preach human rights to others, not only because of its political weight and recent history in Europe and the history of the continent, but also because of the two previous decades, especially the massacres of the 90s in Bosnia and the Balkans, as well as the way foreigners, especially Muslims, are treated inside Europe; and also how they regard membership requests from Muslim states. There have been many instances of catastrophe and human rights violation in the heart of Europe, which is why no radical group is entitled to give human rights advice to a civilized people who have harbingered speech and coexistence throughout history and who have no record of genocide or war crime.”

The Foreign Minister further asserted "The people of Iran will not let groups who found their way to the EP through a middle-of-the-road election with only 43 percent voting judge with their arrogant yardsticks their vital election with 73 percent voting in which they rendered the June breakthrough.”

He stated "The government will not allow any parliamentarian delegation from Europe visit the country with conditions stated in the resolution.” 

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