Zarif to visit Moscow

Young journalists club

News ID: 3495
Publish Date: 13:09 - 16 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Ambassador to Moscow says FM Zarif is to visit Russia in April.

Iran’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation Mehdi Sanaee in interview with RIA Novosti provided comments on the future relations between Iran and Russia including further cooperation on gas and oil contracts as well as Iran’s stance on Syria and the chances of solving the problem.

He also pointed out that Rouhani is to visit Moscow, adding "He will attend the Caspian Summit where he will meet Mr. Putin. Mr. Zarif’s trip to Moscow is also settled for April. He will be making the trip to join the Caspian Sea foreign ministers which is to be held in Moscow.”

"This meeting is to be a prelude to the September session in order to prepare the draft for the leaders’ announcement,” he said, adding "While there, he will no doubt discuss bilateral, regional and international concerns, but what is definitely on the agenda as the main issue is those related to the Caspian Sea.”

Sanaee further stated that the Russian president will be visiting Iran in the future, adding "Although the date for Mr. Putin’s trip is not settled yet, his visit to Tehran has always been emphasized both by the Russian Foreign Ministry and by Mr. Putin himself.”

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