Iran, US, Germany to resume oil deals

Young journalists club

News ID: 3433
Publish Date: 13:33 - 09 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. As Iran starts discussing oil business with France and Germany, an American delegation from the oil section is going to visit the country in one month.

As sanctions were lifted from Iran’s oil, a number of the giant French oil companies started resuming business with their old mate.

Next to France, now it is time for Germany to take up where it left in Iran’s oil business.

Siemens as the biggest company providing the rotating parts for the South Pars refineries, the Linde Group as the contractor on the sole LNG project in the South pars to install and operate the facilities that would produce liquid gas, and BASF as one of the main providers for a kind of catalyst which is used by the refineries will be visiting Iran.

What is more, in early march 12 well-known figures and the international energy business from the US, UK, and Japan will be visiting Iran to attend a conference where the status of Iran’s oil, gas, and petrochemicals as the sanctions grow less.

The Chairman of the Iranian Economic Association Mohammad Mazra’ati has confirmed the visit to be made, Mehr News Agency reports.

oil ، france ، germany ، usa
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