Chief of Staff: Iran to make best energy partner for EU

Young journalists club

News ID: 3397
Publish Date: 10:58 - 04 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. Nahavandian has expressed Iran’s willingness to engage in energy trade with the EU.

The President’s Chief of Staff Mohammad Nahavandian who was speaking at a meeting with a delegation of 140 from the Iran Chamber of Commerce on Monday said "A new era has begun in Iran’s relations with the EU. There is this vibe of hope and positive thinking on both sides, therefore reason would have it that we would seize the favorable atmosphere and do our own share in improving the situation.”

He further said "The existing vibe is the result of a change in outlook which is exemplified in the change from a win-lose situation in Iran’s relations with the world to a win-win situation.”

"All the previous misjudgments were the result of incorrect information that was given to both sides,” he asserted.

Pointing to the French business section’s visit to Iran as bearing some signification Nahavandian stated "There is a real, strategic logic to the Iran-EU relations, based on which if the EU would like to take a determined trust-building step for procuring its energy, Iran would be the best partner for having access to secure energy resources.”

He further added that Iran has the ability to produce energy resources for another 50 years which justifies a decision by the EU to deal in energy with the country.

He stated "Iran is the gateway to the Central Asian market with a population of 350 million and the countries around. Iran will be a firm ground for any European company which would like to make deal with it.”

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