Zoroastrian fire festival held in central Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 3361
Publish Date: 14:50 - 30 January 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iranian Zoroastrians celebrate the Sadeh festival in Kerman province.

Sadeh is an annual fire festival held by Zoroastrians. On Thursday the occasion was held with great pomp.

Sadeh is the 100th day of the Winter in the ancient Iranian calendar. The Zoroastirans make big fires on this day to make the heart of the earth warm and revive it from its winter sleep.

In Kerman, the festival is traditionally held in Bodaqabad Garden. The participants bring logs of wood set them on fire in a large pile.

They say that their ritual has nothing to do with worshipping fire, but is rather a tribute paid to it as one of the four elements making the universe.

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