Male suicide bomber was behind trolleybus explosion in Volgograd

Young journalists club

News ID: 3095
Publish Date: 9:33 - 30 December 2013
Early evidence suggests that an explosion on a trolleybus in the southern city of Volgograd, which occurred Monday morning, was carried out by a male suicide bomber, a source in the law enforcement agencies told Itar-Tass.
"This is indicated by the character of the explosion and the typical bodily fragments found on the spot," he said.
The explosion killed 10 people and left another 37 wounded. The bomb was set into action when the bus was crossing an area close to one of the city's markets.
Regional Governor Sergei Bozhenov and Russia's federal Healthcare Minister Veronika Skvortsova, who arrived in Volgograd the day before in connection with another terrorist act, came to the site of explosion.
Itar-Tass reporter Igor Kalenich said in an eyewitness account from the scene that the trolley had been smashed entirely only a metallic frame had remained of it. The bodies of the dead were lying around.

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