I have already won :snowden

Young journalists club

News ID: 3043
Publish Date: 7:51 - 24 December 2013
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden says his "mission's already accomplished" after leaking NSA secrets that have caused a reassessment of U.S. surveillance policies.
Snowden told The Washington Post in a story published online Monday night he has "already won" because journalists have been able to tell the story of the government's collection of bulk Internet and phone records.

Snowden says he didn't want to change society but he wanted people "to have a say in how they are governed."

President Barack Obama hinted Friday that he would consider some changes to NSA's bulk collection of Americans' phone records to address the public's concern about privacy. His comments came in a week in which a federal judge declared the NSA's collection program probably was unconstitutional.

Snowden was interviewed in Moscow.

snowden ، nsa ، leak ، US
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