We will not have enrichment defined for us: Zarif

Young journalists club

News ID: 2826
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:28 - 30 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Foreign Minister says Iran is not going to have others dictate its quality and quantity of uranium enrichment.

Speaking in a press conference in Qom on Friday evening, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in answer to a question as how Iran’s needful uranium enrichment, as stated in its Joint Plan of Action with the Six Majors, will be defined "We have always said that in the final step it will be we who will decide our need.”

"The initial measures, whose name has by the way been chosen carefully, is in fact the map of the road ahead so that talks begin and reach the final stage. And the final step will not be a permanent situation,” Zairf asserted.

He added "One of the important issues is to define how long the final step will take, because after the final step, as it is stated in the Action Plan, Iran’s nuclear program will be treated like that of any other country, such as Japan.”

The Foreign Minister added that the final step will surely include an enrichment program.

Addressing a question in regard to the positions taken by some Arab countries on Iran’s nuclear deal, Zarif said "The Islamic Republic of Iran seeks good relations with regional and neighbor countries and there is no reason for them to worry.”

"We assure our regional friends that the negotiations address the nuclear section exclusively. Expanding relations with neighbors is of high priority for the foreign policy system, which is why next week there will be visits to Persian Gulf littoral countries and the issue will be talked with them,” the Foreign Minister maintained.

He further pointed out that Iran does not seek better relations with the US but a solution to the nuclear case, adding "One has to see if the behaviors of the US and the West change practically. In fact we have not yet started the tough part of the job. Today we are getting ready to set for an exhausting diplomatic battle.”

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