Hundreds of battalions fight in Syria: lawmaker

Young journalists club

News ID: 2585
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 15:18 - 04 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Quddoosi has said that Iranian forces fight the battle in Syria.

Speaking in a meeting named The Fight Against Arrogance in Mashhad on Sunday evening, Javad Karimi Quddoosi said "There are hundreds of battalions from Iran in Syria. Although you hear the news about the victories of the Syrian Army from a Syrian commander, there are Iranian forces behind the scene.”

The member of the parliamentary Committee for National Security and Foreign Policy added "That day when all embassies in Damascus were closed (when US attack on Syria was announced), the Iranian official delegation were there with their families, which heartened Bashar Assad.”

The Mashhad representative to the Majlis further stated "Iran’s current atmosphere is influenced by negotiations with the US, so much so that it has overshadowed the economic and political vibe of the country. That is why the issue is worthy of contemplation in order to increase the level of discernment.”

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