Salami: IRGC changed equations of biggest empire of history

Young journalists club

News ID: 2187
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:46 - 21 September 2013
Tehran, YJC. IRGC Second in command says that the IRGC is the only entity which can discern the enemy's hidden weaknesses.

Brigadier General Hossein Salami speaking in a meeting with IRGC commanders said "The IRGC is able to block the arrogance’s ways of ruling the Islamic world and sophisticated enough to see future states of the revolution and the trajectory of the fight against arrogance.”

He added "The IRGC has the power to make out the hidden weaknesses of the enemy and make its way through the enemy’s strategic world and is able at any moment to surprise the enemy by offering exact maps. These are facts that make up the nature of the IRGC.”

The second in command of the IRGC believed that the main art of the Islamic revolution was to take away the US from its hideout, adding "The Islamic revolution made the US degrade from the strategic spaces to operational roles and take on the role of the infantry.”

"What happened as the result of it was the enemy’s energy to transform from scary psychological atmosphere to real ones,” he asserted.

He also stated that by developing new geographical fronts, the Islamic revolution managed to wear out the arrogance system.

He added "We live in the world of the changeable. We cannot confront the changeable future by relying on fixed doctrine, tools, structure, and policy.”

He asserted that the structure, doctrine, and security policies of the IRGC are unique and can be found nowhere in the world.

"The enemy can never discern the IRGC’s strategic plans,” he pointed out, adding "so far, wherever we have acted differently and have had a different structure we have made great achievements. These differences spring from the IRGC’s internal thought which are based on divine teachings and cause the IRGC’s victories. This is the art of the IRGC to keep its mind clean of the outward impression of the enemy.”

"After 35 years, we see no point in time and no place where the US might have defeated us. On the contrary everywhere is filled with our awesome victories.”

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