Tehran, YJC. A Swiss scholar who has been forced to leave his country and now lives in exile in Russia in an interview with YJC says that "Jewish banksters" in the EU are responsible for European Monetary crisis.
The full text of the interview follows,
1. Mr. Graf, you are from Switzerland and are forced to live in Russia now. Why is that?
In July 1998, the district court of Baden sentenced me to 15 months in prison without probation and a fine of about 40,000 Swiss francs for my revisionist writings. My editor Gerhard Förster, who was 76 years old and so sick that he had to be brought into the courtroom in a wheelchair, got one year in jail plus a similar fine; he passed away two months later. As a was unable to pay the fine, it would have been commuted into an additional prison term, and I would have spent about two and a half years behind bars. My lawyer Dr. Urs Oswald appealed the verdict, but in 2000, the sentence was confirmed by the Supreme court of Switzerland. At that time, I was engaged to my future wife Olga Stepanovna, a historian from Minsk (Bielorussia). As we did not want to be separated for a long period of time, I decided not to serve my sentence but to emigrate.
Since 2002, Olga and I have been living in Russia. I earn my living as a translator from various European languages (especially English and Russian) into German but I also continue my revisionist activities. In 2010, together with the Swede Thomas Kues and the Italian Carlo Mattogno, I wrote a long and detailled book about the alleged „extermination camp" Sobibor in eastern Poland where, according to the Holocaust story, between 170.000 and 250.000 Jews were gassed in 1942 and 1943 („Sobibor. Holocaust Propaganda and Reality". Castle Hill Publisher, Uckfield 2010). In this book whe show that Sobibor was in reality a transit camp.
Since my Swiss passport expired years ago, and as I have no possibility to obtain a Russian or White Russian passport, I am unable to move and cannot do any research in Moscow archives either. If I could get an Iranian passport, this would be immensely helpful to me. From November 2000 until April 2001, I lived in Teheran, helping to prepare a revisionist conference scheduled to take place in March/April 2001 in Beirut. (Yielding to intense American pressure, the Lebanese government forbade this conference two weeks before it was supposed to take place.) I was fascinated by Iran and its history and I studied the Farsi language two hours per day; after four months, I could converse haltingly. Unfortunately, I have forgotten my knowledge of this beautiful tongue because I had no possibility to practice it but I trust I could rapidly recover my knowledge in case of necessity.
2. Considering the fact that one of the reasons for your exile was the Jews’ influence in your country, how negative do you evaluate this influence?
While Jewish influence is certainly not nearly as pervasive in Switzerland as in other European countries (especially Germany and France), it is still strong. The best example is the so-called „Anti-Racism law" which was passed in 1993. This law forbids „justifying, minimizing or denying a genocide" – a formulation which is so vague that nobody knows what is allowed and what is forbidden. Although neither the Jews nor the Holocaust nor the gas chambers nor the six million figure are mentioned in the respective paragraph, this law is used to stifle any dissent about the extent of the persecution of the Jews during World War Two. It is no secret that it was introduced at the instigation of the Swiss Jews. As early as February 1987, Jüdische Rundschau Maccabi, the organ of the Swiss Jewish community, announced that Switzerland would soon get an Anti-Racism law which would make Holocaust revisionism a criminal offense. Now how could the Swiss Jews know in 1987 that our parliament would indeed pass such as law six years later?
3. Has the Zionist influence across Europe, with the money they have, been so far helpful or otherwise to the current European crisis?
Of course, the present economic crisis in Europe has many fathers, but the most important factor is undoubtedly the banking system. The Commission of the European Union is directed by the European Central Bank which in its turn is controlled by the Jewish Goldman Sachs bank. On 4 September 2012 the German TV channel ARTE presented a documentary entitled "Goldman Sachs – Eine Bank lenkt die Welt” ("Goldman-Sachs – a bank rules the world”). The two producers, Jérôme Fritel and Marc Roche, stated: "The influence of Goldman-Sachs directly influences the life of the citizens; an example is the nomination of the President of the European Central Bank. Goldman-Sachs systematically prevents any regulation of the financial sector. The arm of this bank is very long indeed.” The director of the European Central Bank benefits from special laws which grant him immunity from any legal prosecution.
Thanks to their immense financial power, the (predominantly, but of course not exclusively) Jewish banksters can bribe and buy almost any politician, regardless of which party he belongs to. The differences between "Conservatives”, "Liberals” and "Socialists” are purely rhetorical; as a matter of fact, they all promote the same policy which benefits the banksters and harms the working population. Under these circumstances, elections are largely a farce.
The Federal Republic of Germany as the most affluent member state of the European Union has during the last years paid huge sums (many billions of dollars) to Greece, ostensibly to help this debt-ridden and impoverished nation. The average German citizen thinks that his money will help poor Greeks. He does not know that no Greek citizen will ever see a penny of it. All the money goes to the (largely Jewish) banks of which Greece is a debtor. In order to reduce its debts, the Greek government has taken measures which condemn large sectors of its own population to misery - cutting salaries and pensions, closing down hospitals etc. So while the banksters live in unimaginable luxury, as a result of their activities whole countries are ruined. In Portugal and Spain, the situation is only marginally better than in Greece, and other countries, such as Italy, will soon follow.
4. As the guarantee for the existence of the Zionist regime, what impact has Holocaust had on Western approach to the regime?
We can safely say that without the Holocaust, the Zionist state of Israel would not exist. After all, the establishment of this state was an anachronism. In November 1947, when the United Nations recommended the partition of Palestine, Great Britain had already given independence to India. Dozens of Asian and African territories were attempting ever harder to shed the white man’s rule. In other words: Colonialism was on its way out. At the very same time, the Zionists were allowed to carry out their colonialist project in Palestine, with terrible consequences for the native Arab population. Israel’s former ambassador to the UN, Abba Eban, made no secret of the fact that the Holocaust had been instrumental to the foundation of the Zionist entity: „One reason of this really stupendous victory was without the faintest doubt the Shoa [Hebrew for „catastrophe", i. e. Holocaust]. The memory of the genocide was still alive."
As the Palestinians are the main victims of the Holocaust story, one would expect Palestinian (and other Muslim) intellectuals to scrutinize this story in order to ascertain if it is historically accurate. Unfortunately, this has not been done. It is true that many Muslims have denounced the Holocaust as a fraud, but in a debate with skilled Jewish historians or journalists they would have no chance whatsoever because they lack the necessary knowledge. Among the revisionist researchers, there are no Muslims, and to the best of my knowledge the most recent and most important revisionist studies, such as the extremely important collective volume Dissecting the Holocaust (editor Germar Rudolf, Thesis and Dissertation Press, Chicago 2003) have not been translated into Arabic and Farsi. This is very regrettable for if the Palestinians were informed about this question they would know that, while the Jews were indeed cruelly persecuted during the Second World War, there was no systematic extermination, there were no homicidal gas chambers and the six million figure is an irresponsible exaggeration. In other worlds: The Palestinians would learn that they had their country stolen and their sons imprisoned, tortured and killed in the name of a lie.
Some Muslim intellectuals (the late writer Edward Said is a good example) endorse the traditional Holocaust story because they think that they have to do if they want to be accepted by Western society and to be able to defend the rights of the Palestinians more efficiently. This is a tragic illusion. As long as the Western world believes in the extermination camps, the gas chambers and the six million, it will always back Israel, no matter how this states behaves. The peoples of the West certainly do not like Israel’s aggressions and massacres but they argue that the Holocaust was a hundred times worse, so the Jews must have their own country in order to prevent a new Holocaust. If the gas chambers and the six million were universally unmasked as a propaganda lie, the Zionist state would be doomed, and Jewish influence in the Western world would be dramatically weakened.
If I could be sure that such a book would be rapidly translated into Farsi and Arabic (and if possible into other main languages of the Muslim world), I would write a book of about 400 pages, with many illustrations, about the genesis and the function of the Holocaust story. This book would take account of the latest results of revisionist research.
I recommended to him, under "Note to Pat", that the few remaining old Republicans chase the "impostors" out of the party and recommend to them, that they henceforth call themselves REPULIKUDS; more closely resembling their agenda.
We will do all the wonderful, revolutionnary Jews ,who want to transform this system of things (a system of corruption and greed) a great and deserved favour by n o t giving the hate-and warmongerers a further chance to play the race and religion card.Those who pull the strings and use races and religions to make people upset against each other, while t h e y orchestrate the division in the first place, need to be exposed.MASTER SPINNERS that mislead all of us.Once t h a t is clear, there won't be any prisontime anymore for people who do revisionist studies of historical events.