Italy: Some major countries oppose Ukraine's candidacy for the European Union

Young journalists club

News ID: 57140
Publish Date: 8:30 - 01 June 2022
Wednesday, 1 June 2022 (YJC)_ The Prime Minister of Italy is against the opposition of major European countries to Ukraine's candidacy for the European Union.

Italy: Some major countries oppose Ukraine's candidacy for the European UnionThe Italian prime minister said on Tuesday that some major European countries were opposed to granting Ukraine candidate status in the European Union.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday called for clarification of the country's bid to join the European Union.

In an interview with a Dutch media outlet, he said that Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte should clarify whether Ukraine has a future in the European Union.

Zelenskyy continued the interview:
I told him very openly that if you think we have no place in the union, you should say it clearly.

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