Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker has urged president Rouhani to give a proper response to Erdogan for recent statements on Iran.
Iranian Principlist MP Nader Qazipour said "If not our old
enemy, Turkey is our serious rival, we can say.”
His remarks came in reaction to Turkish President Recep
Tayyep Erdogan who recently accused Iran of seeking a regional Shia domination
by working in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.
Erdogan is the establisher of the sinister triangle of
Turkey-Azerbaijan-Israel, he said.
"Turkey is the main supporter and educator of the terrorist
group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).”
To revoke or not to revoke Erdogan’s trip to Tehran is
within the province of our government’s authority, he said, adding "We expect
Mr. Rouhani to give a swift response to Erdogan if he travels to Tehran.”