‘Terrorist groups feel safe in Pakistan’

Young journalists club

News ID: 5443
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 14:20 - 08 November 2014
Tehran, YJC. Iranian lawmaker says Pakistan has grown into a safe haven for terrorists which more often than not, point their guns at Iranian border guards.

Ezatollah Yousefian, Head of the Majlis Internal Regulations Committee speaking to Mehr news agency expressed pity over lack of attempt from the side of the Pakistani government to secure its borders.

Pointing to US drones flown over Pakistani airspace he said "The US alibi for these flights is to fight terrorists and help security. If fact they say that national security is the reason behind launching these flights.”

"The drones have so far killed many innocent civilians, which has caused so much rage at the US.”

When a country is unable to secure its borders, it will turn into a threat for its neighbors, he maintained.

"Nevertheless,” Yousefian stated, pointing to a recent terrorist attack on Iranian border guards by terrorists from inside the Pakistani land, and added "Iran has so many times chosen the way of patience despite the fact that this has been repeated a number of times. Now, I think it is necessary for the Foreign Ministry to attend the issue with more perseverance and determination.”

He stated "We can end this through more active diplomacy and joint military exercises. But as we do not see such a will in the Pakistani government, it becomes necessary that Iran carries out more decisive actions to stop such incidents.”

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